Resilience Amid Uncertainty

Renewable energy projects deliver opportunity to communities facing economic insecurity.

Across the nation, families, communities, and businesses face an uncertain future; in many cases, this insecurity is entirely unprecedented in their lifetimes.

Nowhere is this more evident than in America’s heartland. Multigenerational family farms are in peril, while surrounding towns and counties are struggling to balance budgets or, in some cases, continue to provide basic services.

Still, some communities are poised to rebound—because they grasped opportunity in the form of renewable energy.

Thousands of rural American towns and counties are already being sustained by the jobs and economic benefits delivered by utility-scale wind and solar energy projects. These revenue streams enable landowners and communities to persevere through the best of times and the worst of times. These projects make communities more resilient, and in times like these, resilience is endurance.

The great news? The demand for renewable energy grows every day. As a result, so does the opportunity for Americans from coast to coast.


Cat Strumlauf

Vice President of Marketing and Communications

Cat leads Apex’s marketing and communications team, with a focus on corporate communications, content creation, and media and partner relations. Prior to joining the company, she worked in broadcast journalism as a reporter. Cat holds an MSJ from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and a BA in marketing and entrepreneurship from the College of William and Mary’s Mason School of Business.