In Photos: Virginia’s Sunny Clean Energy Future
As towns and cities across the country and the world came to a near standstill in 2020, construction projects everywhere—including on U.S. renewable energy facilities—continued unabated. One of those projects holds special meaning for the Apex team: the first solar farm originated by the company in its home state.
Companies, much like construction projects, are measured in milestones.
Last September, a team of Apexers stopped by the construction site of the company’s first renewable energy project in Virginia to watch progress being made—in real time, and from a safe distance. The now-operating facility, which is also the first utility-scale solar farm in Campbell County, will generate over $1.8 million in local tax revenue over the project’s 35-year lifetime.
And with Apex’s Rocky Forge Wind, the Commonwealth’s first utility-scale onshore wind farm, slated to begin construction soon, another milestone is on the horizon for both Apex and its home state.