Expanding Our Perspective as a Values-Based Company

Making Real Our Commitment to Incorporate Diversity of Experience Into Our Work

Apex’s values derive from our mission to accelerate the shift to a clean energy future. For us to achieve that purpose in full, we must ensure that our work, as well as our result, aligns with those values.

As part of better living out our values, Apex is committed to elevating and educating ourselves on the perspectives and experiences that have been underrepresented to this point in our industry. During Black History Month, we have an opportunity to act on that commitment. Since evolving from its precursor created by historian Carter G. Woodson in 1926, Black History Month remains the official annual observance and celebration of the rich history and contributions of black citizens.

Assanatou Cissé, technical director at Albatros Energy in her home country of Mali, worked as a business development associate at Apex in addition to a multitude of other roles across the globe. Assanatou shared with us her unique experience working as a black woman in energy at Apex, in Mali, and internationally. Watch the conversation to hear Assanatou’s story and to learn her perspective on some of the ways the clean energy industry can become more diverse and inclusive.

Apex seeks to celebrate, raise awareness of, and ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion for all involved in the clean energy transition. This acknowledgment does not begin and end with any month; instead, we intend for this to form a strong organizational foundation on which to build throughout the year, and every year moving forward.


Cat Strumlauf

Vice President of Marketing and Communications

Cat leads Apex’s marketing and communications team, with a focus on corporate communications, content creation, and media and partner relations. Prior to joining the company, she worked in broadcast journalism as a reporter. Cat holds an MSJ from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and a BA in marketing and entrepreneurship from the College of William and Mary’s Mason School of Business.